Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Get Away!

Seth drew these lunch sacks this last spring.  Some of my favorite lunch sacks are like these where the sacks alone look awesome, but when you put the two sacks side-by-side they create an even better, more full picture or story.  I was looking at this particular set last night remembering a funny story about our kids…
Makenzie loves dragons! Always has… so anytime there is a dragon on a bag it automatically becomes hers. When Makenzie was in 4th grade she had been reading a lot of dragon books. One night, while we were driving in the car she very seriously told me that she needed to have a talk with me. She sounded almost scared, so I turned down the music and told her she had my full attention. She then began to explain that she felt she needed to warn me about something very serious… she could tell soon that she was going to morph into a dragon because when she swings high on the swings she could feel wings trying to burst out of her back and toe nails growing into claws inside her shoes. She wanted to warn me because she didn’t want me worried if she didn’t come home from school one day… it probably meant that she had completed morphing and was flying to join the other dragons. I couldn’t believe that she was in 4th grade and her imagination could be so strong that she truly believed this. It was so random and sincere I tried my best not to burst out laughing (…it was extremely difficult). Kendyl on the other hand didn’t try so hard (she was in 1st grade). She burst out laughing and said, “You don’t really think this do you? You haven’t told anyone else this, right? That would be soooo embarrassing!” Makenzie’s face was filled with confusion and I saw her little dragon heart break. It was the sweetest and saddest thing ever! Makenzie then decided that Kendyl was wrong and declared that just because Kendyl hadn’t seen dragons didn’t mean they weren’t real! Kendyl considered this and decided Makenzie might be right, but it would probably be a good idea not to talk to other kids about this just in case. Makenzie agreed. Oh my kids. 

I love when Seth draws these sorts of things and memories come flooding back. Even though Makenzie doesn’t believe she will morph into a dragon anymore, she does still love them and would probably love to be a dragon for an afternoon. hahaha  These lunch sacks sometimes bring back memories and moments captured in time and help me hang on to them as we watch our family growing. They are gifts for me as much as they are gifts for our girls. Thank you Seth! 

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