Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Winning Bag!

This is the bag Seth drew for the winner of our contest that we had on our facebook page  When we contacted Kori (the winner) she said that it would be tough to narrow down one funny story because she has four kids (I guess she doesn't play favorites lol), but said that she loved elephants... so this is what Seth came up with. 

We know Kori from church so Seth thought it would be fun to reference the writings of Paul to the to Philippians (Philippians 4) also one of our articles of faith (number 13). It's a funny saying that Seth and I always say when we are talking about that particular Article of Faith (the real words are "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent...). Kind of like a hymn that we sing in church that we changed the words to "High on a Mountain Top, a badger chased a squirrel" instead of "a banner is unfurled" or "I Am a Child of God... with parents kind of weird" instead of "with parents kind and dear" or my personal favorite from Primary which Seth believed were the words for many many years "Give Seth the Little String" instead of "Give Said the Little Stream". We haven't been struck by lightning yet.  (knock on wood)

Well Kori, you didn't have to play favorites, he threw the whole family in! I think it's fabulous! He's never turned a bag sideways for the design. It's very charming.  We'll pass it along to you soon.

Congrats again on winning! We'll have to do this contest again soon! In the meantime, only one more day until new "Lunch Bag Friday" drawings are posted. He was sketching out fun ideas last night.  Please share this site with your friends and family. We'd love to get a big enough fan base of people following the page to be taken more seriously by book publishers or companies that could print these sacks.

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